The different ways you can be employed make a big difference to how you pay tax and National Insurance, how you can save for your retirement and your rights at work. It’s important you understand your legal employment status so you know the rights you’re entitled to.
What’s in this guide
Most working people in the UK are classed as employees and work under an employment contract. The contract sets out the benefits and duties of the ‘employee’ and the ‘employer’.
Employees have access to a wide range of in-work benefits including:
- Statutory Sick Pay
- holiday pay
- Statutory Maternity, Paternity and Adoption Leave and Pay
- Statutory Redundancy Pay.
Find out more about your rights as an employee in our guide Employment contracts and your employee rights explained
Employees are paid on a Pay As You Earn (PAYE) basis. This means tax and National Insurance contributions are usually automatically deducted.
Find out more in our guides:
How Income Tax and the Personal Allowance works
How does National Insurance work and should you be paying it?
You’re entitled to be paid at least the National Minimum Wage or National Living Wage. These rates vary depending on your age and if you’re an apprentice.
Find out more in our guide National Minimum Wage
Worker status is similar to being an employee, but on a more casual basis.
You can find out more about what this means on the ACAS website
Workers’ rights
As a worker, you’re entitled to some statutory rights – including the minimum wage and paid holiday. You don’t usually qualify for redundancy pay or minimum notice periods.
Access to statutory sick, maternity, paternity and adoption pay, as well as shared parental leave, varies depending on your employer.
Find out more on the GOV.UK website
Agency workers
Agency workers have a contract with an employment or recruitment business, then hired out to work for the agency’s clients. This is usually on a temporary basis. However, your employment status can vary.
Most are classified as workers, with some employment rights – such as the National Minimum Wage and paid holiday.
Find out more in our guide Pay and benefits for temps and agency workers
You can also be self-employed and work through an agency, often called a contractor.
You won’t have any employment rights, but you will have fewer obligations to the agency. For example, you’ll usually be able to send someone else in your place.
Less common are agency employees – who are on what’s called a ‘pay between assignments’ contract. Agency workers usually only get paid when they’re on assignment. But agency employees continue to get paid, even when they’re not working.
Agency employees have full employment rights, but often have more obligations to the agency. For example, it’s harder for them to turn down work and they might have to work a minimum number of hours each week.
Find out more about the different kinds of agency work and your rights on the ACAS website
If you’re in Northern Ireland, visit the Labour Relations AgencyOpens in a new window
Entertainment and modelling agencies
If you signed up with an entertainment or modelling agency, the rules are slightly different. Agencies can charge fees for finding you work, but this depends on the kind of work you’re looking for.
Find out more about entertainment and modelling agency fees on the GOV.UK website
More than 5 million people in the UK are self-employed.
Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS), 2020
Being self-employed is both an employment and a tax status. It covers a wide range of people – from those running their own business to freelancers and people working in the gig economy.
There are some main indicators to determine whether you’re self-employed:
- you run the business and are responsible for its success or failure
- you’re able to send someone else to do the work for you
- you set the price for the work and can decide how and when the work is done
- you use your own money to buy business assets and cover running costs
- you’re responsible for fixing unsatisfactory work in your own time
- you can work for more than one client at once.
Check you’re employment status for tax on the GOV.UK website
You’ll be responsible for paying your own tax and National Insurance contributions. so you will need to register as self-employed and fill in a Self Assessment tax return.
Rights if you’re self-employed
As you work for yourself, you have no legal right to employment benefits. However, you’re covered under certain Health and Safety legislation. And, in some cases, you’re protected against discrimination.
Find out more about your rights if you’re self-employed in our guide Employee contracts and your employee rights explained
Independent contractor
Independent contractors are self-employed, and usually provide highly skilled work to clients on an ‘as needed’ basis.
As you’re self-employed, you’ll need to register with HMRC to pay your own tax and National Insurance.
Find out more in our guides:
Tax and National Insurance when you’re self-employed
How to fill in a Self Assessment tax return
Rights as a contractor
This largely depends on who you’re working for and the contract you’ve agreed.
Independent contractors will often be classified as workers and have basic employment rights. This is usually if you’re on a three-month contract, or longer.
You’ll be covered under Health and Safety legislation. This is because the person employing you is responsible for maintaining a suitable working environment.
Construction Industry Scheme (CIS)
If you’re a subcontractor in the construction industry, it’s a good idea to enrol in the Construction Industry Scheme (CIS).
If you do, the contractor employing you will make tax and National Insurance contribution payments HMRC. This is similar to being paid on a PAYE (Pay As You Earn) basis.
You’ll still need to complete a self-assessment tax return and pay tax on your income. But what’s been paid by the contractor will be deducted from what you owe.
Find out more about the Construction Industry Scheme on the GOV.UK website
This is similar to a being contractor in that you’re contracted on an ‘as needed’ basis.
The main difference being freelancers generally don’t commit to working for the same company for long periods of time. Instead, they can work for various companies simultaneously.
Some examples of freelance workers include writers, journalists, graphic designers, video editors and photographers.
You’re classified as self-employed for tax purposes, but work for other people, rather than for yourself.
You’ll need to register for Self Assessment and submit a tax return each year.
Find out more in our guide How to fill in a Self Assessment tax return
Rights as a freelancer
As you’re self-employed, your rights are limited. But you do have some rights under health and safety, and discrimination legislation.
Zero-hours contract
Over 1 million people are on zero-hours contracts.
Source: ONS, 2020
A zero-hours contract is where you’re employed by a company, but they don’t guarantee you a set number of hours of work.
This kind of contract is becoming increasingly common in many sectors, including the hospitality industry, warehouse work and couriers.
You should be paid by PAYE, so you won’t need to register for Self Assessment to declare your income from zero hours contracts. However, as a self-employed person, you can agree to work on a zero hours basis and pay your tax through Self Assessment.
Find out more about working on a zero-hours contract on the ACAS website
If you’re in Northern Ireland, visit the Labour Relations Agency
Rights on a zero-hours contact
If you’re on a zero-hours contract, you’ll probably be classified as a ‘worker’. You’ll be entitled to basic employment rights, including the National Minimum or Living Wage and annual leave.
More rarely, you’ll be classified as an ‘employee’ and have access to full employment rights.
If you meet certain requirements, you might also be entitled to enrol in a workplace pension.
Find out more about your rights when working on a zero-hours contract in our guide Employment contracts and your employee rights explained
Find out more about automatic enrolment and workplace pensions in our guide Automatic enrolment – an introduction
Gig economy
Around 4.7 million people are employed in the gig economy in the UK.
Source: Research by the Trades Union Congress and the University of Hertfordshire, 2019.
If you work in the gig economy, you’ll usually use an intermediary, such as an app or a website. This acts as a go-between – linking workers with customers.
In exchange for this service, the workers’ pay a charge to use the service. This is usually10 or 15% of what they earn from the work.
Gig economy platforms include:
- ride hailing company Uber
- food delivery company Deliveroo
- courier Yodel.
The work is flexible, in that you can choose the hours you work and there’s nothing forcing you to work certain times.
At the moment, many people in the gig economy are classed as self-employed and will submit a Self Assessment tax return.
However, there have been many high-profile court cases recently challenging this classification. Some companies now class people operating on a gig economy basis as workers, which includes access to certain in-work benefits. But, this doesn’t apply to all work in the gig economy and many of these rulings are under appeal.
Find out more in our guides:
Tax and National Insurance when self-employed
How to fill in a Self Assessment tax return
Rights in the gig economy
As you’re technically self-employed, you have very limited employment rights. However, there are many high-profile court cases involving large gig economy platforms challenging the idea that workers are self-employed.
Find out more about your rights when working in the gig-economy in our guide Employment contracts and your employee rights explained
Apprenticeships are a way of gaining first-hand work experience and a qualification, while earning a salary. They take one to five years to complete and are open to anyone over the age of 16, who isn’t enrolled in full-time education.
If you’re under 19 or in the first year of an apprenticeship, you’re entitled to the minimum wage of £4.81 per hour (for 2022-23). This goes up if you’re over 19 and have completed your first year to either the National Minimum Wage or National Living Wage rate for your age.
Find out more in our guide Apprenticeships explained
Rights as an apprentice
If you’re an apprentice working more than 33 hours a week, you’re entitled to the same benefits as any other full-time employee. This includes sick pay, annual leave and maternity and paternity pay.