Would you like to discuss the pension options of a family member, friend or someone else? Then we’ll need to get verbal or written consent from the person whose pension payments will be discussed.
If you have a power of attorney covering property and financial affairs, we’ll ask for a copy – this is to meet data protection requirements.

Book a free appointment

Call 0800 138 3944 to speak to someone who can help book a free appointment.
Booking lines are open Monday to Friday, 8am to 6:30pm.
Under 50, not sure what pension you have, or just not ready?
We can still answer your questions. Call us free on 0800 011 3797 or use our webchatOpens in a new window. One of our pension specialists will be happy to help.
Opening times: Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm. Closed on bank holidays.
Pension Wise
- Explore your pension options
- Understanding what Pension Wise is and how to use it
- Find out your pension type
- Attending an appointment on behalf of a family member or friend
- Customer promise for Pension Wise appointments
- What can I do with my pension pot?
- Trusted sources of additional information
- View your appointment summary
- Pension Wise for employers
- Preparing for your Pension Wise appointment
- Book a free Pension Wise appointment

MoneyHelper is the new, easy way to get clear, free, impartial help for all your money and pension choices. Whatever your circumstances or plans, move forward with MoneyHelper.

MoneyHelper is the new, easy way to get clear, free, impartial help for all your money and pension choices. Whatever your circumstances or plans, move forward with MoneyHelper.

MoneyHelper is the new, easy way to get clear, free, impartial help for all your money and pension choices. Whatever your circumstances or plans, move forward with MoneyHelper.
Pension Wise
- Explore your pension options
- Understanding what Pension Wise is and how to use it
- Find out your pension type
- Attending an appointment on behalf of a family member or friend
- Customer promise for Pension Wise appointments
- What can I do with my pension pot?
- Trusted sources of additional information
- View your appointment summary
- Pension Wise for employers
- Preparing for your Pension Wise appointment
- Book a free Pension Wise appointment