Complaints about Pension Wise
If you have a complaint about Pension Wise, please fill in and submit the form below.
We’ll let you know when we’ve received your complaint and aim to give a full response within 20 working days.
If we can’t do this (eg, if we need more time to investigate your complaint) we’ll let you know the reason for the delay and when you can expect a response.
If you need to take things further
If you’re not satisfied with our response to your complaint, you can email us at to get it escalated. You can also write to us by post:
Money and Pensions Service
Holborn Centre
120 Holborn
London, EC1N 2TD
So that we can provide you with the best possible service, the best time for you to escalate your complaint is within 28 days of the initial response. We will, however, use our discretion to consider complaints after this period.
Please state the reason why you’re unhappy with our first response and include copies of your original complaint and our response. We’ll then investigate and get back to you within 20 working days.
Getting more help
Once you have exhausted our complaints process, and if you remain dissatisfied with our final response to your complaint, you have the right to refer the matter to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO)
Make a complaint at the PHSO or telephone 0345 015 4033 (Monday to Thursday from 8.30am - 5.30pm, Friday from 8.30am - 12pm)
Where appropriate, the PHSO will request all the paperwork relating to the complaint as part of your case review. You should contact them within 12 months of our final response.
You can also ask a Member of Parliament (MP) to refer your complaint to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman. You can get help with finding your MP if you don’t know who they are.