How much are NHS dental charges?
29 June 2021
A trip to the dentist can feel a bit like a trip into the unknown. You’re not sure what might be wrong, even if everything feels fine, and then you don’t know the costs either, which is an extra toothache!
Well, we can help with the pricing bit, so here’s how much you’ll pay the NHS for the most popular dental treatments.
How NHS dentist costs work: Banding
When you get treatment from your NHS dentist, it’ll fall into one of three bands. The simplest things, like a check-up, will be Band 1. Moderate dental work like fillings will fall into Band 2. The final band, Band 3, is reserved for the most complex work, like bridges. Here’s how much NHS bands are:
NHS band | Price |
Band 1 |
£23.80 |
Band 2 |
£65.20 |
Band 3 |
£282.80 |
In Wales the costs are less – Band 1 is £14.70, Band 2 £47 and Band 3 £203.
Getting your money’s worth with banding
It’s also worth knowing that if you have multiple bits of work done in one visit or one course of treatment, for example, three fillings, you’ll only pay the Band 2 fee once
Also, you’ll only pay for the top band the work is being completed under. So, if you have a check-up and your dentist says you need a filling but it can’t be done until next week, you won’t pay for a Band 1 and a Band 2 treatment – you’ll pay for the Band 1 checkup at £23.80 and then you’ll pay £41.40 after your filling.
The total amount will be £65.20, the same as a Band 2 charge, because the work is being completed under ‘one course of treatment’.
You might also be offered a service where you can get some NHS work, and then pay a bit extra to get some private work.
So, say you get an NHS check up, and it’s found you need a filling. It’s a back tooth so you can get a metal filling on the NHS, but you could upgrade to a white filling. You’ll pay a bit more than a Band 2, but the cost of the white filling and the checkup are rolled into one – you wouldn’t be paying for a checkup as well as a white filling.
NHS guarantee
If something goes wrong with some dental work done by the NHS within 12 months, it should be covered by the NHS guarantee.
That means you can go back and get it replaced for free, without shelling out again. Make sure you go back to the same dentist though.
Many people don’t know this. So, don’t be afraid to go back to your dentist if something doesn’t feel right or has chipped, cracked or broken. It might be fixed or replaced for free.
Find out more about what’s covered by the NHS Guarantee
How much do dental implants cost?
A dental implant is a false tooth that is screwed into the jaw. It replaces badly damaged or missing teeth.
Dental implants are only available on the NHS if there is a medical need for the treatment.
If you can’t wear dentures or false teeth, maybe because your face or teeth have been damaged, for example by oral cancer or an accident, you might be able to get an implant on the NHS.
People that are born with a cleft lip or palate or missing teeth might also be able to get dental implants from the NHS.
Find out if dental implants are considered medically necessary they’ll be free.
But privately they’re normally very expensive, starting from around £1,400 per tooth.
How much do dental crowns cost?
Dental crowns are quite a complex procedure. You’ll need them if the tooth is quite badly damaged and often after procedures like root canals. The tooth is shaped and a hard, tooth-shaped cover permanently cemented to the tooth.
On the NHS a dental crown is Band 3, so it costs £282.80. The type of crown you’ll be able to get will depend on which tooth is being treated and what in your dentist’s opinion is best.
If it’s a front tooth, you’ll be able to get a white crown, likely made of resin or porcelain.
If it’s a back tooth crown, you’ll only be able to get a metal tooth on the NHS, which won’t be white. White dental crowns for back teeth will start at around £550 and up privately.
How much does root canal treatment cost?
A root canal is needed when your tooth has decay very deep inside it. It’s quite a technical procedure but is covered by Band 2 NHS dental work, which is £65.20.
If you were to go privately, a root canal will often cost between £95 and £700 but would depend on which tooth needs working on.
How much does an NHS filling cost?
Fillings are £65.20 because they’re covered by NHS Band 2 fees.
Similar to crowns, you’ll get white fillings for front teeth, but only amalgam (metal) fillings for your back teeth.
If you want a white (composite) filling for back teeth done privately, they’ll be between £40 and £250 depending on which teeth need filling.
How much does tooth extraction cost?
Getting a tooth removed costs you a Band 2 fee of £65.20 on the NHS.
Done privately, you’d be looking at between £50 and £370 to get a tooth pulled with back teeth and wisdom tooth removal being the most expensive.
How much is a dental check-up?
Your NHS dental visit will always include the examination or check-up charge, which is a Band 1 fee of £23.80.
Private check-ups range from £20-£120
Average dentures cost
Dentures – or false teeth – are quite complex, so the work is covered by a few different bands.
Getting dentures created and fitted is a Band 3 treatment, so costs £282.80.
If you just need an adjustment to already existing dentures, that’s covered by Band 1 and is £23.80.
If you need something adding to your dentures, like a new tooth or a clasp, that’s a Band 2 fee of £65.20.
Relining or rebasing dentures is also £65.20 (Band 2).
If you were to get dentures done privately, it would cost anywhere from £355 to £2,520 depending on the materials used, the number of teeth that are missing and the health of your existing teeth.
How much does a dental bridge cost?
Bridges are often used for replacing a number of missing teeth but can also be used to replace one tooth. They come under a Band 3 treatment, so on the NHS they cost £282.80.
Privately a dental bridge is very expensive, starting at around £800.
How much do false teeth cost?
False teeth are generally referred to as dentures. Getting dentures is listed above, and the initial work will be £282.80 (Band 3). Follow up additions or reworking will generally be Band 2 work (£65.20).
Dental hygienist and teeth whitening costs
Dental hygienist work like scale and polish is very important to keep gums and teeth healthy.
A standard clean is covered by Band 1 at £23.80. A more thorough deep clean is shifted up to Band 2 (£65.20).
Privately a scale and polish will cost somewhere between £25 and £85
Teeth whitening is not offered on the NHS.
Privately you’d expect to pay upwards of £300 for a professional whitening treatment.
How much do veneers cost?
Dental veneers are only available on the NHS if there’s a clinical need. This means they would need to improve the health of your mouth, not just improve how your teeth look.
As veneers are a cover for the front or back of a tooth, it’s quite rare to get them on the NHS.
If you need veneers, the NHS would do the work under the Band 3 treatment fee which is £282.80. Privately, dental veneers are very expensive, starting at around £500 per tooth.
Qualifying for free dental treatment
You can get free dental care if you’re:
- under 18 years old
- under 19 years old in full-time education
- pregnant or gave birth within the last 12 months
- staying in an NHS hospital and a hospital dentist carries out your treatment
- a NHS dental outpatient – although some work may still require a fee.
If you or your partner or civil partner receive one of the following, you’ll also get free NHS dental treatment. If you’re under 20 years old and the dependant of someone receiving one of the below, you’ll also get free treatment:
- Income Support
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
- Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance
- Pension Credit Guarantee Credit
- Universal Credit and meet the required eligibility (Opens in a new window)
In Wales, dental examinations are also free if:
- You’re under 25 years old
- You’re 60 years old or more
Find out more on the NHS.UK website
NHS exemption certificates
You may be eligible for a variety of NHS certificates, but only some will give you free NHS dental treatment. Those are:
NHS tax credit exemption certificate
The NHS tax credit exemption certificate qualifies you for free NHS dentist work. To be eligible your household income needs to be £15,276 or less, and you have to be receiving Child Tax Credit, Working Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit paid together, or Working Tax Credit including the disability or severe disability element.
Find out more and check your eligibility for the NHS tax credit exemption certificate
Maternity exemption certificate
If you’ve given birth in the last 12 months, or are currently pregnant, you can get a Maternity exemption certificate. This gives you free treatment from an NHS dentist.
Your exemption won’t expire until a year after your due date, or the birth of your baby, whichever is later.
Find out more about the Maternity exemption certificate
NHS Low Income Scheme: HC2 and HC3 certificates
The NHS Low Income Scheme (LIS) offers help paying for NHS dentist fees. The exact amount of help you’re eligible for depends on your household income. Your partner will be entitled to help as well if you are.
To qualify for the scheme, you need to have less than £16,000 in savings, investments or property, which doesn’t include the place you’re currently living. Or, if you live in a care home, no more than £23,250 (£24,000 if you live in Wales).
Depending on your financial situation, you’ll get one of two certificates:
- If you get a HC2 certificate, you’ll get full help with the cost of any dental work you need.
- If you get a HC3 certificate, you’ll get limited help with the cost of your dental treatment.
Find out more about the NHS Low Income Scheme
Claim back dental costs
If you weren’t aware that you were eligible for reduced cost or free dental care and have paid NHS dental charges within the last three months, you can claim a refund for the amount you paid.
To claim back NHS dental charges, you will need to complete a:
- HC5(D) form if you live in England
- HC5 form if you live in Scotland
- HC5W(D) form if you live in Wales.
NHS penalty charges
If you claim free or reduced cost dental treatment but do not meet the eligibility criteria outlined above, you’ll be sent a NHS Penalty Charge Notice. These ask you to repay the cost of treatment as well as a penalty charge of up to £100.
Find out more about the NHS penalty charges
Do pensioners get free dental treatment?
Over 60s, or those over pensionable age, need to meet the criteria above to qualify for free dental treatment on the NHS, unless you live in Wales. In Wales, over 60s get free dental examinations. There’s no free dental treatment specifically for over 60s or those who are retired and taking a pension.
Do students get free dental care?
Depending on your age, you may get free dental care.
If you’re under 18 years old, you’ll get free NHS dental treatment. If you’re under 19 and in full-time education, you’ll also get free treatment from an NHS dentist.
If you’re older, you’ll only qualify for dental treatment paid by the NHS if you meet one of the criteria, above.
Help with dental costs
If you’re struggling to pay for dental costs and don’t qualify for free treatment or reduced costs, there are some other things you can do.
Ask your NHS dentist if they’ll allow you to pay in instalments. Some will be able to set up a payment plan to allow you to spread the cost over a number of months.
You can also get a sort of dental loan called a ‘capitation plan’. Plans like Denplan, DPAS or Practice Plan are available and can help you afford treatment by letting you pay back the costs over time.
You can also think about getting dental insurance if you know your teeth might be a problem in the future or are worried about how you’ll pay for extensive dentist work.
Policies can pay for all your work, but often there is an annual limit, and you typically have to pay the dentist then claim back the cost on your policy.
Dental insurance costs between £70 and £300 a year for complete cover. Costs are cheaper if you go for a policy that will pay for less of your treatment, for example, 50% of any claim.