Have you had a baby and studying at college or university? Then you might qualify for additional student finance. This could cover everything from living expenses and learning costs to travel and childcare grants.
Benefits if you’re studying and have a baby
The benefits you might be able to claim if you’re studying and have a baby depend on:
- the level of the qualification you’re studying for
- if you’re studying full-time or part-time.
Full-time students: find out what benefits you might qualify for at Turn2usOpens in a new window part-time students: you might have more access to benefits. Find out more at Turn2us It’s important to also make sure you’re claiming all the benefits you qualify for as a new mum.
Find out more in our guide What benefits can I claim when I'm pregnant or have a baby?
If you live or study in England
Care to Learn
What is Care to Learn?
This is a government scheme to help with childcare costs if you’re studying in college or university.
It’s a weekly fixed amount paid to your childcare provider. It can also be used to pay for elements of childcare, for example:
- deposit and registration fees
- childcare taster sessions
- keeping your childcare place over the holidays.
Did you know?
You don’t usually have to pay back grants. But you might have to pay back part or all of a grant if, for example, you leave school before the end of the academic year or term your grant covers.
Who gets it?
You might be able to get Care to Learn payments if:
- you’re a parent under the age of 20
- you live in England
- you’re studying a publicly funded course – your school, college or learning provider can tell you if your course is eligible
- you’re the main carer for your child
- you’re a British citizen or a national of a European Economic Area (EEA) country
- your childcare provider is registered with Ofsted.
How much is Care to Learn?
With Care to Learn, you can get up to:
- £160 a child per week if you live outside London
- £175 a child per week if you live in London.
(2022/23 figures)
The payments go directly to your childcare provider.
How to claim
Find out more and apply online at GOV.UKOpens in a new window
Childcare Grant
What is the Childcare Grant?
A weekly grant to help with childcare costs while you study.
The amount you’ll get depends on your income, childcare needs and the number of children you have.
You don’t have to pay a Childcare Grant back.
Who gets it?
To get a Childcare Grant, you must:
- be a full-time student
- live in England permanently
- have – or be eligible for – a student finance package
- have a childcare provider who is registered with Ofsted
- have a child under 15, or under 17 if they have special educational needs.
You can’t get a Childcare Grant if you or your partner are:
- claiming the childcare element of Working Tax Credit
- claiming the childcare element of Universal Credit
- receiving help with childcare costs from the NHS.
How much is the Childcare Grant?
The amount you get depends on:
- your household income
- the cost of your childcare
- the number of dependent children you have.
You can get a grant to cover up to 85% of your childcare costs.
In the 2022/23 academic year, the most you can get is:
- up to £183.75 a week for one child
- up to £315.03 a week for two or more children.
How to apply
Find out more and apply at GOV.UK
Parents’ Learning Allowance
What is Parents’ Learning Allowance?
Did you know?
You don’t need to be paying for childcare to qualify for the Parents’ Learning Allowance.
These are payments to help with learning costs if you’re studying and have a child.
You don’t need to pay back a Parent’s Learning Allowance, and your partner can also apply for one if they are in full-time education too.
Who gets it?
You could get a Parents’ Learning Allowance if you’re:
- a student from England with dependent children
- studying a full-time undergraduate course or an Initial Teacher Training course.
How much is Parents’ Learning Allowance?
The amount you get depends on your household income.
In the 2022/23 academic year, you could get between £50 and £1,863.
How to apply
You can apply for Parents’ Learning Allowance when you apply for student finance.
Find out more about student finance at GOV.UKOpens in a new window
Find out more about Parents’ Learning Allowance at GOV.UKOpens in a new window
If you live or study in Scotland
Lone Parents’ Grant
What is the Lone Parents’ Grant?
A payment made to single parents living in Scotland with at least one dependent child.
You don’t need to pay back a Lone Parents’ Grant.
Who gets it?
You could get the Lone Parents’ Grant if you’re bringing up at least one child on your own and you’re:
- single
- widowed
- divorced
- separated.
How much is the Lone Parents’ Grant?
You could get up to £1,305. The amount you get depends on your income.
How to apply
Apply directly to your college for financial support from the Lone Parents’ Grant
Lone Parents’ Childcare Grant
What is the Lone Parents’ Childcare Grant?
Payments from The Lone Parents’ Childcare Grant can be made by your college or university.
It’s to help cover registered childcare costs for the days you attend college or university.
You don’t have to pay the money back.
Who gets it?
Lone Parents’ Childcare Grant payments are made on a case-by-case basis. The decision is made by each college or university.
Not all eligible students will get help as the fund is limited – but priority is usually given to lone parents.
You can apply for a Lone Parents’ Childcare Grant payment if you’re:
- a full-time undergraduate or postgraduate student
- getting the maximum student loan available
- eligible to have your tuition fees paid by the Student Awards Agency for Scotland (SAAS).
You must be paying for registered childcare, which includes:
- day care
- pre-schools
- after-school clubs
- registered childminders.
How much is the Lone Parents’ Childcare Grant?
If you qualify, you can apply for a payment of up to £1,215.
Your college or university will decide how much the payment should be.
How to apply
Apply to your college for financial support from the Childcare Fund.
If you live or study in Wales
Financial Contingency Fund
What is the Financial Contingency Fund?
Payments from your college or university to help with the costs of childcare if you’re on a low income.
The fund is also used to help students without children who might need financial help to take part in their course.
Who gets it?
You might be able to get help from the Financial Contingency Fund if:
- you’re 16 or over
- you pay for registered childcare
- your annual household income is less than £28,000.
How much is the Financial Contingency Fund?
Your college or university will decide how much you get.
How to apply
Ask your college about help from the Financial Contingency Fund.
If you live or study in Northern Ireland
Care to Learn
What is Care to Learn?
Payments to help with the costs of childcare if you’re studying.
Who gets it?
You could get help from the Care to Learn scheme if:
- you’re the child’s main carer
- you live in Northern Ireland
- you’re aged between 16 and 20 at the start of your course
- you’re studying a full- or part-time course listed on the National Database of Accredited Qualifications (NDAQ). Your college will be able to confirm if your course qualifies.
How to apply
Ask your college about help from the Care to Learn scheme.
Find out more about Care to Learn at nidirectOpens in a new window
Childcare Grant
What is the Childcare Grant?
Weekly payments to help up to 85% of your childcare costs.
Who gets it?
You can apply if you:
- are a full-time student
- have children under 15 in approved or registered childcare (or under 17 if they have special needs).
Find out more about approved or registered childcare at nidirectOpens in a new window
How much is it?
Depending on your household income, in 2021/22 you can apply for up to 85% of your childcare costs up to a maximum of:
- £148.75 a week for one child
- £255 a week for more than one child.
You won’t be able to get the Childcare Grant if you (or your partner) get the childcare element of Working Tax Credit.
How to apply
You can apply for Childcare Grant payments on your main student finance application.
Complete the CCG1 form on the application. Or, download a form at studentfinanceniOpens in a new window
Find out more about the Childcare Grant in Northern Ireland at nidirectOpens in a new window
Parents’ Learning Allowance
What is it?
Payments to help with course-related costs if you have children.
Who gets it?
You can apply for help if you’re a student with children.
How much is it?
If you qualify, you could get up to £1,538 a year. The amount you get will depend on your household income.
How to apply
You can apply for Parents’ Learning Allowance on your main student finance application. Complete the section about extra help for students with children.